The Mother
The Transformation of Matrescence
As a woman goes through her Saturn return (age 27-30), she transitions into the Mother Archetype. Letting go of frivolity and risk taking, and stepping into a desire for security, a comfortable home and a need to nurture.
For many (but not all) women, this will include a long term relationship and, eventually, becoming a mother in the very real sense when she has a baby.
Postnatally, The Mother quickly experiences the colossal hormonal, mental, emotional and physical shifts that accompany Matrescence. For perspective, the level of hormonal changes that happen with Matrescence are comparable with all of those that accompany adolescence… but you also have a newborn to take care of!
Our ancestors would have had the support of the whole village at this time… not just for the first 12 weeks, but for the whole of the baby's childhood! And yet our society isolates us while we struggle to juggle, and are expected to return to work…
It’s time to HONOUR THE MOTHERS. Remember that it is not only ok, but should be a priority to slow down during this incredibly difficult transformation, and that asking for help is an absolute MUST.