My Offerings
1:1 Shamanic Release Ceremony
Intention setting, somatic movement, journalling, meditation, burning ceremony, relaxation, sound bath, integration tools.
2 hours
1:1 Plant Medicine Ceremony - Cacao and Rapè
Meditation and grounding, connection to the plants, somatic movement, plant medicine experience and integration tools.
2 hours + (experience dependant)
Shamanic Release Ceremony with Plant Medicine Experience - Cacao and Rapè
Meditation and grounding, intention setting, somatic movement, journalling, meditation, connection to the plants, burning ceremony, plant medicine experience, relaxation, sound bath, integration tools.
3 hours + (experience dependant)
Group Release Ceremonies (up to 4 people)
Meditation and grounding, intention setting, sharing circle, somatic movement, journalling, meditation, burning ceremony, relaxation, sound bath, integration tools.
3 hours
£77 per person
- Add on Rapè: + £11 pp
- Add on nourishing meal: + £22 pp
(Discounted rate for under 16 year old’s available on request.
Rapè not offered to those under 18)